WAKE UP, PIXIE! Online morning Yoga for Musicians and Creatives

I have a very lazy dog named Pixie, who I have to drag out every morning.
As a freelancing musician and creative, I've always struggled to establish a consistent morning routine. I’m also prone to laziness and find it hard to stick to regular practices. That’s why I decided to become a yoga teacher—if I’m the teacher, I can’t skip class! Last year I started to offer online morning yoga that’s called WAKE UP PIXIE and now I hope you would like to try it to. It has really helped me to stress down,  become more flexible and creative.

Lu Jong – Healing Yoga is a form of yoga that anyone can do.
It doesn't involve static positions, and you don’t need to be an athlete or particularly flexible to practice. Lu Jong is a powerful yet relaxing flow yoga, rooted in Buddhist tradition and connected to Tibetan medicine. The movements help release blockages in your body, while the breathing techniques calm your nervous system. It’s actually great for singers as well.

You can learn more about Lu Jong here: www.tibetyoga.se.

Looking forward to see you online!

See you 09.00 - 10.15 CET!! On the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th March!

Cecilia & Pixie -