Baltic Artists in Development: Malmö Sessions

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Baltic ArtistS in Development: Malmö Sessions

It was a true pleasure to host the first gathering of the Baltic Artists in Development 6-8 November in Malmö. We started the sessions Wednesday night at Norra Grängesbergsgatan with welcoming our guests with a Syrian buffet and by taking part of project presentations by the participants.

Thursday and Friday were dedicated to workshop sessions at REHAB with Henrik and Jannica from Emerging. The main purpose of the workshop was to provide the participants with the opportunity and tools to create visions and plans for how to tackle their management challenges through out the project.

Henrik and Jannica are originally trained through the Danish innovative school Kaospilot and have years of experience in innovative development.

Adding on to this packed programme, a dialogue seminar was held Thursday night with composer Nathan Larsson, founder of Subchamber Ensamble, and label manager and digital distributer Kalle Magnusson from Aloaded.

The gathering was concluded Friday night with goodbye dinner followed by jazz concert at Grand Öl & Mat! A big thanks to all participants!



The main purpose of the workshop is to provide you with the opportunity and tools to create visions and plans for how to tackle your management challenges. 

You will be working individually and as well in groups. Come rested and full of energy ready to dive deeper in to your own capacity. 

We ask you to prepare two things:

1. Purchase a notebook. 
During the planning workshop, your primary working tool will be your personal notebook and a pen.
It is VERY IMPORTANT that you have a notebook preferable in size of A4 or even A3 and a set of pens.

2. Start to think about your management challenges
Spend 20 minutes to reflect and write down challenges you are facing in relation to management. 

Take a moment and consider the following questions: 

  • Why I am attending the program?

  • What kind of artistic development do I want to create?

  • Where am I stuck in my management?

  • What do I need clarity about?

  • What is the challenge that would make the biggest difference for me if solved?

Here’s the slides from the workshop!

Publishing and international distribution

A conversation between film music composer Nathan Larson and Kalle Magnusson from Aloaded.

Why do independent artists need labels? How do you succeed on Spotify? What is there to know about publishing rights and international distribution?

Those are a few of the topics of this dialogue seminar between film music composer Nathan Larson and Kalle Magnusson from Aloaded.

Take a look at the complete collection of toolboxes here→

Program 6-9 NOVEMBER 2019

Wednesday 6 Nov
17.00 Kick-off-meeting with all participants.

What to prepare:
As a participant you have to prepare a 5-minute-elevator-pitch to present yourself (as artist or manager), your music (solo or group represented) and your specific genre (if explanation is needed), in any format you wish. Tools available are computer, projector and sound. If you need anything else it is up to you to bring.

Address: Norra Grängesbergsgatan 11, Malmö.

Thursday 7 nov
9.30 Workshop day 1 with Henrik and Janina from Emerging. See instructions below.
Address: Rehab Kultur, Spånehusvägen 83, Malmö.

15.30 Break

17.30 Dialogue seminar with Nathan Larsson (composer) and Kalle Magnusson (digital distributor)

Friday 8 nov
10.00 Gather to start workshopping.
Address: Rehab Kultur
(Light lunch buffé, as well as coffee and snacks, will be available during the workshop day)

17.00 Freee
19.00 Debrief-dinner on the town. Grand öl & mat, Monbijougatan17.

Workshop mentors:
Our workshop mentors, Henrik and Jannica, have years and years of experience in innovative development. They have worked with companies, organisations, schools and institutions and are originally trained through the Danish innovative school Kaospilot.

Jannica Hedlund
Henrik Johansson

Work and fun in Malmö: