
Invitation to "Fika" with Swedish artists at Scandinavian House on the 13th of January!

Invitation to "Fika" with Swedish artists at Scandinavian House on the 13th of January!

Four artists from Scania, the very south of Sweden, will be online via ZOOM from Sweden! MUSIKCENTRUM SYD brings them to the performing arts conference APAP in New York on the 12th and 14th of January! Yes, you read it right! We are going to New York with a digital concept where you will meet with a selection of export ready southern Swedish artists! Sit down at our “fika table” and let us serve you a cup of coffee and “fikabröd” together with your new favvo artist!! Prepare to get new contacts and networks from the melting pot of Malmö, Sweden. Traditional dance music, Folk Barock, Finnish runosinging and chora from Scania to Senegal.